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Story of Ruth / Swanson, John August / 1991 (Click the picture for more information)
Reproduced from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts admin. Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission. A complete edition of the prayers is available though Augsburg Fortress [link].
  • Thematic
  • Providing God,
    you journeyed with Ruth
    and comforted Hannah
    when their lives were burdened by grief.
    Grant us faith to believe you will provide a future
    where we see none,
    that bitterness may turn to joy
    and barrenness may bear life. Amen.
  • Intercessory
  • God of life, we praise you for your abiding presence
    from generation to generation,
    blessing your people,
    strengthening us to lives of service,
    empowering us to witness.
    Hear the prayers we offer on behalf of your creation.

    Prayers of the People, concluding with:

    Grant that as we serve you now on earth,
    so we may one day rejoice with all the saints
    in your kingdom of light and peace,
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  • Scripture (Series 1, Semicontinuous)
  • God our redeemer,
    in sustaining the lives of Naomi and Ruth,
    you gave new life to your people.
    We ask that from age to age,
    new generations may be born
    to restore life and nourish the weak,
    by returning to you
    those things we once thought ours. Amen.
  • Scripture (Series 2, Complementary)
  • God of widows and strangers,
    you protect the oppressed and forgotten
    and feed the hungry with good things.
    You stand among us in Christ, offering life to all.
    Give us open hearts and minds
    to respond with love to the world,
    caring for those for whom you care. Amen.