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Transfiguration / Raphael, 1483-1520 ; Romano, Giulio, 1499-1546 / 1518-1520 (Click the picture for more information)
Reproduced from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts admin. Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission. A complete edition of the prayers is available though Augsburg Fortress [link].
  • Thematic
  • God of wilderness and water,
    your Son was baptized and tempted as we are.
    Guide us through this season,
    that we may not avoid struggle,
    but open ourselves to blessing,
    through the cleansing depths of repentance
    and the heaven-rending words of the Spirit. Amen.


    Artist of souls,
    you sculpted a people for yourself
    out of the rocks of wilderness and fasting.
    Help us as we take up your invitation to prayer and simplicity,
    that the discipline of these forty days
    may sharpen our hunger for the feast of your holy friendship,
    and whet our thirst for the living water you offer
    through Jesus Christ. Amen.


    God of the covenant,
    in the glory of the cross
    your Son embraced the power of death
    and broke its hold over your people.
    In this time of repentance,
    draw all people to yourself,
    that we who confess Jesus as Lord
    may put aside the deeds of death
    and accept the life of your kingdom. Amen.


    God of the living,
    through baptism we pass from the shadow of death
    to the light of the resurrection.
    Remain with us and give us hope
    that, rejoicing in the gift of the Spirit
    who gives life to our mortal flesh,
    we may be clothed with the garment of immortality,
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  • Intercessory
  • God of the covenant,
    you call us to be fruitful servants within creation,
    and to offer our lives
    as the foundation of your realm.
    We lay before you the desires of our hearts,
    that we may be transformed by their fulfillment.

    Prayers of the People, concluding with:

    Grant, O God, that the prayers we offer
    may be your channel for new and abundant life
    not only hoped for,
    but worked for,
    through faithful word and deed. Amen.
  • Scripture
  • God of Sarah and Abraham,
    long ago you embraced your people in covenant
    and promised them your blessing.
    Strengthen us in faith,
    that, with your disciples of every age,
    we may proclaim your deliverance in Jesus Christ
    to generations yet unborn. Amen.